When I found out I had Nickel and Iron Oxide allergies, I felt so alone. My dermatologist, who made the diagnosis had said:
"What I can tell you is that you have this allergy. Here is a list of general information regarding Nickel & Iron Oxide allergies. The rest is something you are going to have to figure out."
That was less than consoling. For the next week, I wandered around in a hopeless funk. It's long been my pattern to search out natural ways to treat ailments. I have been the "go to" person at my school whenever someone wondered which supplements to take. But NOW, I didn't know where to start.
For the next month, I spent a lot of time on the internet, just searching out basic info on avoiding nickel & iron oxide. Eventually, I found some blogs written by fellow nickel allergy sufferers. And THAT is where I found the greatest help. I haven't really found anyone else who addresses the Iron Oxide allergy. And I continue to try to find out if nickel and iron oxide are one in the same. These two are connected somehow in chemistry, that is all I know. I never took Chemistry, so that is as much as I know.
So Much Can Be Learned From Others Who Carry The Same Burdens.
The same can be said in the world of nickel allergy sufferers.
There are a number of great blogs about Nickel Allergies.
Here is a list of some I have found.
Naturally Nickel Free by Donna Jo Wallace
Donna Jo writes about her experiences and her handmade jewelry business. I truly love
Donna Jo's artistry. Her blog offers some great discussions about nickel-free jewelry.
Nickel Food Allergy by Christy Cushing
Christy addresses the dietary aspect of having a nickel allergy. She writes about great recipes, and her experiences while eating in restaurants. There is a lot more included here.
Nickely Challenged by Barbara Njuguna
This blog provides tips on meal modification, etiquette, stories, product reviews, and more.
Ask The Allergista
Here you will find product reviews, fashion tips, other people's stories, and access to petitions for legislation and for nickel free products. There are some great communities for nickel allergy sufferers, and this is where we can lighten each other's burdens :)
Eczema Caused By Nickel Allergy
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1011417188879647/This is a Facebook group where members share experiences, product reviews, and resources. It is a closed group and you can request to join.
Nickel Allergy
https://www.facebook.com/groups/nickelallergy/Here is a new public Facebook group started by Barbara Njuguna. Members are allowed to share tips and product reviews. We would love to see this community grow, so join us!