Thursday, February 5, 2015

Valentine's Day & Nickel Allergies

I love Valentine's Day! It is full of cards, 

notes, flowers, candy, and love! 

It is really important to make sure you don't cause a flare up of allergic reactions on this special day. Here is a reminder of common Valentine's gifts that are a problem for someone with nickel allergies: 

  • Chocolate 
  • Nuts 

But of course, I can ALWAYS eat these for Valentines!

Many kinds of lower priced jewelry will probably contain nickel. So make sure to get highest grade of gold, white gold, sterling silver.  Also shop for "nickel-free" jewelry.


So What Kinds of Gifts CAN I Have At Valentines'?

Sweets: Caramels, taffy, hard candies, jellies

Jewelry: Aluminum, Titanium, Platinum, possibly Nobium

Valentine's Dinner often includes some food items to avoid: 

  • Raspberries 
  • Multi-grain breads 
  • Fish 
  • Lettuce 
  • Black tea Coffee 

 Wine and Beer can also aggravate a nickel allergy if other listed foods are  eaten. 


So What CAN We Eat For Dinner?

Steak or Chicken

Potatoes (baked/mashed) OR White Rice (moderate portion)

Pasta with fresh marinara sauce


Berries (any except raspberries)

Soft drinks

Tea, coffee, wine, beer (all OK IF the rest of the menu is nickel free)



And remember to be careful for an allergic reaction by kissing someone who has made contact with really want to prevent a "kissing allergy". If the other person has braces, metal dental work, or has been sipping from a stainless steel container, an allergic reaction could occur.

Here is my Valentine, my love of my life!